I have been a bad girl. I've been busy and let many things fall by the wayside. I have been up to all sorts of things that I've neglected to blog about, I've forgotten to reply to e-mails, and I have new things for my shop that I'm really happy with but haven't made listings for yet!! My apologies.
So: I am now a
Big Sister, and my Little Sister is awesome! Her birthday is right after mine, which is coming up soon, and she will be turning 10. She's really easy going, fun, full of ideas and super positive. She is a great influence on me. Hopefully it goes both ways :) I pick her up from school on Mondays and we hang out. So far we've taken my dog to the beach, gone for walks, coloured, made crafts, made cookies, made earrings, watched movies and played Wii fit.
I've also just taken up pottery! I started taking a class at the Rec Center on Wednesday evenings: I've had three classes so far, and I love it!!! The first night we made square plates/dishes, the second night we used molds - I made two bowls and three shells (shallow dishes made with molds of real shells) and the last class I was cleaning up the pieces I made with the molds. It was such a great night: after work that day I was so exhausted and super cranky for no good reason. I was ready to bite someone's head off for looking at me wrong. Then I got to the studio and started trimming my pieces and I felt so zen. It was so amazing. By the time I finished cleaning up my five pieces there was only half an hour left of class, so I started cleaning up. My teacher asked me if I was heading home or if she could show me something new: um, Yes!! So she showed me pinch pots. I did two - they're really rough, but I was happy. I was the last to leave the studio with my teacher. I think pottery just might be my new favourite thing. She said this week we'll be glazing some of our pieces, and then we'll be learning the wheel!! Oh my, I can't tell you how excited I am.
Also, it was Mother's day on the weekend! I made a big effort for my momma. I bought her this gorgeous mutlicoloured bouquet of Russian spray roses - I've been dying for someone to buy them for me, so I thought they would be nice to get for her. I bought cinnamon buns from Cobs, since she said that's what she'd like for breakfast. I got up at 7 am !!! on a Sunday!!! to make her latté for her, as she gets up at the crack of dawn (by my internal clock) every day. I also bought her some sweet little silver earrings from
cherrycreek on Etsy, and some personalized stickers that she can use for bookplates, or to seal letters, or whatever else she comes up with, from
prPictorials on Etsy.
Ok. I think that's it for now. Sorry to throw a big block of text at you with no pretty pictures. Much love n such.