My grandma is always giving the family plants for special occasions. Primulas for Easter, Christmas cactus' or poinsettias for Christmas, some sort of flowering succulent for, I don't know, summer. I think she must be under the impression that everyone else either accidentally kills their plants or throws them out when they stop flowering, like she does. But I love plants and keep them until they die, as a general rule. My kitchen counter is getting overrun as a result. She gave me this Christmas cactus two or three years ago. I did something to it not long after she gave it to me and it started dying, but I rescued it. It hadn't flowered since I got it, but look!! A flower! It's bloomed now, and it's lovely. I was sooo happy when I saw that bud.
Also, it is now officially spring! My mini irises have bloomed and my crocuses and starting to as well! I'm so excited!! Crocuses are my fave. I'll try to remember to snap some photos of those before they're gone.
I love your cactus flower, what a sweet grandma you have! I beg people to not give me plants, cause it breaks my heart when I kill them. Not on purpose of course, it's just something I do. Can't wait to see your crocuses!