Wednesday, May 21, 2008


My seeds are growing! I'm so excited! Can you tell?
In other gardening news, I bought an apple mint the day I ran into Dave at the garden center, and I've planted it in the same bed as my roses. Mints are supposed to help keep pesky bugs away from your garden. Good to know! I planted it in a pot in the earth to keep it from spreading, as I hear that's what mints like to do. Apple mint leaves also make a good tea, so I'm told. I shall have to try it this summer! I'll keep you folks posted. I also bought sand to mix in with the earth that my aloe vera are planted in. Ever since I split and re-potted it it's been unhappy, and I think it's because the soil was too rich. The soil is now about 50% potting soil, 50% sand. We'll see how they fare.
My advice for you tonight is: plant something edible this weekend! Even a little herb in a pot on your porch. It's rewarding, I promise you.

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